Part Time
2 days/wk
12 months to Pre-Kindergarten
$230/m (without meals)
$274/m (meals Included)
Parents who choose not to include meals must ensure their child has a healthy, well-portioned breakfast, lunch, and snack packed every day that does not require heating or refrigeration.
*Rates effective April 1 2025

3 days/wk
12 months to Pre-Kindergarten
$230/m (without meals)
$296/m (meals Included)
Parents who choose not to include meals must ensure their child has a healthy, well-portioned breakfast, lunch, and snack packed every day that does not require heating or refrigeration.
*Rates effective April 1 2025

5 days/wk
12 months to Kindergarten
$326.25/m (without meals)
$436.25/m (meals Included)
Parents who choose not to include meals must ensure their child has a healthy, well-portioned breakfast, lunch, and snack packed every day that does not require heating or refrigeration.
*Rates effective April 1 2025

5 days/wk
Before/ After School Care
$699/m (Sept to June)
$929/m (Summer)
Our Gr 1-4 fee is all inclusive
(Breakfast & snack, and school transportation)
Additional subsidy based on income, is available for this program only. Visit
Child care subsidy | Alberta.ca
*Rates effective April 1 2025

We are excited to offer part time care at our Kings Heights, Sierra Springs and Airdrie Crossing locations. Parents are able to choose two or three recurring days of the week (for example Mon, Tue, Fri) to receive care. Parents are welcome to adjust this weekly schedule with one calendar month's notice. To register for part time care please follow the Register Now links, select Part Time and then select your desired days of the week.